OUT OF FLORIDA,NEXT TO MOSCOW                                                                                     October 4th, 2006

I am currently twenty minutes away from experiencing deja-vu for what seems like the millionth time........'belts, and shoes off please, computer out of the bag' ......or one of my favorites......'you have been randomly selected for secondary screening'. Basically I am heading out to the airport. Long trip, but the destination puts a huge smile on my face. I'm so excited to be coming back to my home country, especially playing my first tournament there after winning the Open. I have been in Florida for about three weeks, and I am more than ready to head out. Bringing "sexy back" to this town is a very difficult task, one that I have been trying to achieve while I have been here...haha!

Quote of the week goes to Michael, he's been on a roll this week but I think this is his best one......... I was doing a workout on the beach, and he bailed out because of a 'hamstring pull he obtained during our three games that we played a few hours before' ( I told him he'd fit right into the women's tour) so he decided to take a swim....although he comes back in five minutes completely dry...... so I ask him what happened.....well currently in Florida there is this thing called the Red Tide, it's when bacteria in the ocean kills all the poor fishies.....and their skeletons float ashore ( I know sounds awful, but isn't that bad in reality) so he says "If the fish can't survive in the sea, where they belong, then I certainly have no chance of surviving" Hashanah

Sorry for the short doodle, but I will make it up for you from Moscow....LUV YA!!!!
