DUBAI WITHDRAW                                                                                                                      February 25, 2008

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to give you a little update on why I had to withdraw this week.
First of all I was playing with a bad cold throughout the Doha tournament, but thankfully it held up well enough to keep me playing throughout the week.

I flew to Dubai right after my final and woke up this morning feeling really fatigued and stuffed up with a cough. After trying to hit a little bit this evening I came to the conclusion that I'm realistically not going to be ready to play 5 matches in the next 5 days.

It's been such a great and healthy start to the year, and I dont want to jepodize that by making the wrong decisions, as I have in the past.
The plan is to have a nice week of 'nothing' and start up training for Palm Springs healthy and fresh.

Once I get home you will all receive a great doodle!
Can't tell you how excited I am to have some days off! To all my fans that were going to see me in Dubai...I am really really sorry but the good news is that my career is still very young and I will be back playing in Dubai many more times!!


Xx Maria